Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/197

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mother, a-bó; bó-chhin; lãu-bó; a-âi; a-neⁿ; a-niⁿ; a-niêⁿ. your, lẽng-thâng. your late mother, lẽng-soiⁿ-thâng; lẽng-soiⁿ-tshṳ̂. my, ke-bó; ke-tshṳ̂. my late mother, ke-soiⁿ-tshṳ̂; ke-soiⁿ-bó. sister of one's, bó-î. brother of, bó-kũ. wife's mother, tiẽⁿ-m-phûa; nga̍k-bó. husband's mother, ta-ke. step-mother, kì-bó; ãu-bó. real mother, seⁿ-bó; chhin-bó. adoptive, iáng-bó. motherless child, bô-âi-kiáⁿ. mother-of-pearl, ô-kiàⁿ-khak.

motion, see MOVE.

motive, sim; ì-sṳ̀; sim-ì; khí-tuan; in-tuan; pńg-sim; pńg-ì.

motley, tsa̍p-sek.

Moukden, Sẽng-kiaⁿ.

mould, for casting, bôu; ìn.

mouldy, huat-môⁿ; seⁿ-kou; seⁿ-kou-mo̍hⁿ; huat-kou; chhiẽⁿ-mo̍hⁿ; chhiẽⁿ-kou.

moulder, away, like wall, huân; chiãm-chiãm-siau; kauh-tiāu.

moult, thǹg-môⁿ; phah-thǹg; ūaⁿ-môⁿ.

mound, suaⁿ; suaⁿ-kiáⁿ; che̍k-tun; che̍k-tu-long; hūaⁿ.

mount, seng; seng-chiẽⁿ; chiẽⁿ; seng-kûiⁿ. a horse, chiẽⁿ-bé; peh-chiẽⁿ-bé; pe̍h-chiẽⁿ bé-sin. mounted on a horse, khiâ-bé. as pictures, piè-jī-ūe.

mountain, suaⁿ; kûiⁿ-suaⁿ; kau-suaⁿ; suaⁿ-nga̍k. top of, suaⁿ-niáⁿ; suaⁿ-téng. chain of, suaⁿ-lêng. mountainous, kan chẽng sĩ-suaⁿ.

mourn, khàu; ai-chhek; ai-khàu; khàu-tshoih. mournful, iu-tshôu; iu-būn; pui-ai.

mourning, apparel, hà-saⁿ; hà-ho̍k; sng-ho̍k; sng-hà. to wear, tòa-hà. put off, thut-hà; thut-ho̍k; tṳ̂-mûaⁿ. in, kṳ-sng; ũ-pe̍h-sṳ̄. perform the ceremony of weeping, lêng-tsôiⁿ khàu; tsò-hà; teng-iu.

mouse, niáuⁿ-tshṳ́; chip-tshṳ́. trap, niáuⁿ-tshṳ́-keng; niáuⁿ-tshṳ́-tak. white, pe̍h-niáuⁿ-tshṳ́; ngṳ̂n-tshṳ́.

moustache, see MUSTACHE.

mouth, tshùi; kháu. of river, káng-kháu. open, khui-tshùi. shut, tshùi kâm-miⁿ; ha̍p-miⁿ. corners of, tshùi-piⁿ. mouthful, che̍k-tshùi. of tobacco smoke, che̍k-kháu-hun.

move, tõng; tín-tãng; iê-tõng; iâu-tõng; iê-tãng; pù-pái. things, puaⁿ-mu̍eh. as chair or table, backwards or forwards, tshâu. lodging, puaⁿ-tshù;