Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/292

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in bed, huan-sin; huan-lâi khah-khṳ̀; huan-kùe-lâi huan-kùe-khṳ̀. back, tńg; tńg--lâi; hûe; hûe-tńg; tò-tńg; kiâⁿ-tò-tńg; suân-tńg. over (overturn), léng-tó. over (invert), póiⁿ-tńg; póiⁿ--kùe-lâi; póiⁿ--khí-lâi; póiⁿ-khap; póiⁿ-chhiè; póiⁿ-phak; póiⁿ-lìn-tńg; póiⁿ-kùe hièⁿ-pôiⁿ; tò-póiⁿ. inside out, as pockets, póiⁿ-lìn-tńg. upside down, tien-táu; tìn-tò-thâu-táu. round, as key, tsũn-só-sî; húiⁿ-só-sî. a horse's head, mán-tńg bé-thâu; mán-bé u̍t-tńg. towards, hiàng; niàⁿ; tùi. the heaven turns, thiⁿ ūn-tõng. to turn in a lathe, chhia. to take turns in doing, sie-lûn; sie-lûn-liû; sie-lûn-tsò; sie-thòi-tsò; lûn-tsúan; lûn-thòi. it is your turn, lûn-tie̍h-lṳ́. to turn one away from service, sî. to turn one out, to̍k-tshut; kúaⁿ-tshut; jiāu-tshut. out of office, khṳ̀-kuaⁿ; thut-kuaⁿ; thut-cheh; pã-cheh. to turn into, tńg--tsò; pìⁿ--tsò; pièn--tsò.

turnip, tshài-thâu.

turnkey, kìm-chí; kìm-tsut.

turpentine, sêng-peh-iû.

turret, tha̍h-lâu; siâⁿ-lâu.

turtle, a, pih; kha-hṳ̂.

turtledove, kũ-ku; pan-khiu.

tusk, gê. elephant's, chhiẽⁿ-gê.

tutenag, pe̍h-în; pe̍h-tâng.

tutor, sin-seⁿ.

twang, of bow, keng-hîⁿ hiáng. nasal, phīⁿ-im; sái-phīⁿ-khang-kńg.

tweak, liàm. one's nose, liàm-phīⁿ-thâu; tsũn-phīⁿ-thâu.

tweezers, nihⁿ-kiáⁿ; niap-kiáⁿ.

twelve, tsa̍p-jī. twelve thousand, buān-jī.

twenty, jī-tsa̍p. ̂0,000, nõⁿ-buān.

twice, nõⁿ-ē; nõⁿ-hûe; nõⁿ-tshṳ̀; nõⁿ-hãng; nõⁿ-pái; nõⁿ-tńg.

twig, chhiū-ki (larger); chhiū-iẽⁿ (smaller); chhiū-búe.

twilight, háⁿ-hun; mêⁿ-àm-kiáⁿ; háⁿ-àm.

twilled, siâ-bûn.

twine, soh-kiáⁿ. twine about, tsāng-soh; tîⁿ; tõa.

twinge, tshǹg-thiàⁿ; mán-thiàⁿ; thiu-thiàⁿ; tshuah-thiàⁿ.

twinkle, ia̍p-ia̍p-sih; iap-iap-sih; i kâi-kng õi-tín-tãng. of the eye, nihⁿ-ma̍k; ma̍k nihⁿ. in a twinkling, che̍k-ma̍k-nihⁿ-kú.

twins, sang-seⁿ.