Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/293

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twirl, to, round, khie̍h-tõ-hui. round on one leg, khiã che̍k-chiah-kha u̍t-lâi u̍t-khṳ̀.

twist, to, tsũn; ká; zûe (by rubbing with the hand). ropes, ká-soh; phah-soh; tsũn-soh.

twitch, to, túi; mán. twitching of the muscles, mán-kṳn.

twittering, kih-kiauh-kiè; chi̍h-chia̍uh-kiè; chia̍uh-chia̍uh-kiè; ki-ku-lũ-kiè.

two, nõⁿ; liáng; sang. two-edged, sang-pôiⁿ-lāi. a two edged sword, kiàm. two-fold, sang-têng; nõⁿ-ha̍p; liáng-pũe; kia-pũe; ha̍p-pũe. you two gentlemen, nín jī-ūi. kill two dogs with one stone, che̍k-thûi khà nõⁿ-phue̍h (lit., break two clods with one blow of hammer).

tympanum, hĩⁿ-kiàⁿ.

type, metal, ìn-póiⁿ; ua̍h-póiⁿ; tâng-póiⁿ; în-póiⁿ.

typhoon, huang-thai.

tyrant, pà-uâng. tyranny, pà-tãu. tyrannical, khiâng-pà; pãu-ngia̍k.

tyro, tsho-o̍h; chiãm-o̍h; chheⁿ-chhiú; sin-sai-pẽ.


ubiquity, bô-só put-tõ; bô-só put-kàu.

udder, nīⁿ-phè.

ugly, iá-iēⁿ; m̄-chiâⁿ-iēⁿ; chhi-gî; m̄-hó-thóiⁿ; iá-hêng; m̄-ngiáⁿ-kuan; tshou-lõu; phí-lõu; chhiú-lõu.

ulcer, tshng; phùa-nūaⁿ. ulcerate, seⁿ-tshng; seⁿ-mîⁿ.

ultimately, kiáu-búe; kàu-búe; suah-búe; pi̍t-kéng; tsong; khùe-mān (sooner or later).

umbilicus, tóu-tsâi.

umbrageous, im-ba̍t; õi-chia-ìm.

umbrella, hõu-sùaⁿ; hõu-chia. one, che̍k-ki hõu-sùaⁿ. a state one, nêⁿ-sùaⁿ. to open an, khui-hõu-chia; hõu-chia tién-khui. to close, hõu-sùaⁿ ha̍p-bûa.

umpire, tsò-kong-chhin; tong-kan-nâng; tong-kìⁿ.

unable, bõi; bô-la̍t; bô-pōu; bô-lêng-ûi; put-lêng; tsò-m̄-lâi. to sustain, tng-m̄-khí. to use, ēng m̄-pat tò-khṳ̀. to overtake, jiāu-m̄-tie̍h. to speak, tàⁿ-m̄-tshut.

unaccountable, m̄-tsai tsò-nîⁿ; siẽⁿ m̄-pat tò-khṳ̀.

unaccustomed, m̄-kùiⁿ-sìⁿ; chheⁿ-hūn; chheⁿ-chhiú.