Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/301

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venereal, disease, lap-ta̍k; huang-ta̍k. congenital, tho-ta̍k.

venetians, hāu-peh-chheh. windows, hāu-peh-chheh-theng. leaves, chheh-hie̍h.

vengeance, pò-chhiû; pò-uan.

venison, te̍k-ne̍k. dried, te̍k-póu.

venomous, ta̍k.

ventilate, thong-huang.

venture, káⁿ. one's life, káⁿ-sí; mãuⁿ-sí; thû-sí; tì-miāⁿ; piàⁿ-miāⁿ; mãuⁿ-miāⁿ.

Venus, the planet, kim-chheⁿ.

verandah, bé-lâu; tsáu-bé-lâu; lâng-ẽ.

verb, ua̍h-jī.

verbal, report, kháu-thûan. order, tng-mīn hun-hù. verbatim, chiè-kò-o̍h; che̍k-kù che̍k-kù; kù-kù siang-tâng.

verbose, to-ngân; ke-ūe; lo-so; lo-lo so-so; mīⁿ-sùaⁿ-ūe; ki-hie̍h-ūe.

verdict, phoi-phùan; kong-phùan.

verdigris, tâng-chheⁿ.

verify, hāu-ngiām.

vermicelli, mīⁿ-sùaⁿ; tāu-hún; tāu-chhiam; hún-chhiam.

vermilion, ngṳ̂n-tsu.

vernacular, thóu-thâm; thôu-ūe; pe̍h-ūe; so̍k-ūe.

versatile, ũ-pièn-thong; ũ-khûan-pièn; ua̍h-pièn; îⁿ-ua̍h.

verse, poetry, si. one, che̍k-tsat.

vertebrae, ie-kut-tsat; pùe-kut-tsat (dorsal); búe-lûn-kut (sacral); ãm-kut (cervical).

vertex, téng.

vertical, tùi-thâu-khak-téng; thâu-téng; tùi-téng; chiàⁿ-téng.

vertigo, thâu-khak hîn; hîn; hîn-kông; hîn-kông.

very, sĩm; chì; siãng; tsãi; thih; tsùe; tsa̍p-hun; tōa-ē. sorry, hûan-ló-tsãi. important, tsùe-iàu. many, sĩm-tsōi. different, tōa-m̄-tâng. that very day, tùi-tùi hṳ́-che̍k-ji̍t; tú-tú hṳ́-che̍k-ji̍t. even a very clever man could not do it, sui-sĩ thih-õi kâi-nâng hûan tsò-m̄-lâi.

vessel, a, khì-kũ; ke-húe. ship, tsûn; che̍k-chiah-tsûn.

vest, tah-pùe; kah-kiáⁿ.

vestige, hûn-chiah; kha-chiah. not a vestige of truth in it, bô-iáⁿ-chiah; bô-iáⁿ bô-chiah.

veteran, láu-chhiú. troops, chhin-piaⁿ; liēn-piaⁿ.