Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/55

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chronic, disease, kú-pēⁿ; kú-tn̂g-pēⁿ; tn̂g-nîⁿ sì-tshun pẽⁿ; sì-khùi-pēⁿ; lãu-mâuⁿ; kú-chi̍t; kū-pēⁿ.

chronicles, kok-sṳ́; kang-kàm; sṳ́-kì.

chronology, le̍h-nîⁿ-phõu; sṳ́-tsṳ.

chronometer, sî-pie; sî-cheng.

chrysalis, thâng-kóiⁿ. of silk-worm, tshôiⁿ-kóiⁿ.

chrysanthemum, kek-hue.

chuckle, khih-khih-chhiè; chhih-chhih-chhiè.

chunam, hue. floor, hue-tiâⁿ. walls, hue-chhiêⁿ. road, hue-lōu.

Church, members, Siàⁿ-hũe; Kà-hũe. building, hũe-tn̂g; lói-pài-tn̂g. to enter the, ji̍p-Siàⁿ-hũe.

churlish, sèⁿ-chhêng m̄-hó; kou-ta̍k-sièⁿ; kou-phiah.

cicatrix, hûn; sieⁿ-hûn; phùa-kiàⁿ; khieh-kóiⁿ.

cigar, hun; jiàu-a-hun. Manilla, Lṳ̃-sòng hun.

cimeter, uan-to; uan-kiàm.

cincture, tòa.

cinder, of wood, tsàu-khang-thùaⁿ; húe-tshâ-thùaⁿ. from red hot iron, thih-sái.

cinnabar, tsu-sa; ngṳ̂n-tsu (vermilion). in sticks, ngṳ̂n-tsu-tiâu.

cinnamon, ne̍k-kùi.

circle, khou; îⁿ-khou; khuan; îⁿ-khuan.

circular, a, tsham-jī.

circulate, chiu-liû; lûn-tńg. blood, kiâⁿ; ūn-kiâⁿ.

circumcise, kuah-iâng-phûe. circumcision, as a rite, kuah-lói.

circumference, îⁿ-îⁿ. three feet in c. chiu-ûi saⁿ-chhieh.

circumjacent, tsôiⁿ-ãu; lîn-kṳ̃n.

circumlocution, tàⁿ-lâi tàⁿ-khṳ̀; hông-hun thoh-gue̍h kâi-ūe.

circumspect, kiãⁿ-kiãⁿ tsṳ́-sòi; kṳ́n-sín; tsò-sṳ̄ ũ-chim-chiak.

circumstance, a, sṳ̄; che̍k-kiãⁿ-sṳ̄. circumstances, ngûan-iû; chhêng-iû; chhêng-hêng; sṳ̄-si̍t; lâi-le̍h. of one's condition, kuang-kéng; kéng-ngõ; kéng-khùang; khùang-kéng. prosperous, sũn-kéng, tsu-sṳ̄ sũn-ì; sũn-thû. adverse, nge̍k-kéng; tsu-sṳ̄ bô-hièⁿ-sũn. able to accommodate oneself to, ũ-pièn-thong; khûan-pièn.

citadel, tōa-phàu-thâi; siâⁿ-lâu.

cite, tiãu-chiẽⁿ-tn̂g. an author, ín-tsṳ; ín-tsṳ tsò-chèng.

citron, hieⁿ-n̂g; hu̍t-chhiú.