Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/56

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city, siâⁿ; siâⁿ-ip. city walls, siâⁿ-chhiêⁿ. Capital, Kiaⁿ-siâⁿ. Provincial, Séⁿ-siâⁿ. District, Kūiⁿ-siàⁿ.

civil, ũ-lói; hiáu-lí; hiáu-chhêng-lí. civility, lói-siàu; lói-mãuⁿ; lói-ngî. civil and military, bûn-bú. civil-officer, bûn-kuaⁿ.

claim, thó. money, thó-chîⁿ. unjustly, âⁿ; cheⁿ; chiàm; mãuⁿ-jīn.

clamber, up a tree, peh-chiẽⁿ-chhiū; soh-chiẽⁿ-chhiū.

clammy, ũ-ka-liâm; liâm-nîⁿ tha-thi.

clamorous, kā-kā-kiè; sie-jiáng; kā-kā-jiáng.

clamp, ka-sut; hôu-khî-tah.

clan, of the same, tâng-sèⁿ; tâng-tso̍k.

clandestine, sai-khia-ẽ; sai-ẽ; àm-chẽⁿ; thau.

clap, the hands, phah-pa-chiéⁿ. of thunder, lûi tâng leh-leh-kiè; lûi phek-le̍k. clap-boards, kak; êⁿ-kak; po̍h-póiⁿ; póiⁿ-kiáⁿ.

clarionet, ti-tâ.

clarify, by straining, tè; tè-chheng.

clash, sie-tsũang; tiaⁿ-tsũang--tie̍h; sie-kha̍p; sie-cheng sie-kha̍p.

clasp, a, kau-tah. in the arms, chhiú phõ; chhiú lám.

class, téng; lūi; iēⁿ; khí; pan; chéng. classify, kui-lūi.

classics, kiaⁿ. the five Chinese classics, ngóu-kiaⁿ. classical expression, tién-kù; kiaⁿ-tién.

clatter, kit-ko̍k-kiè; chhit-tshok-kiè; khit-khok-lo̍k-kiè.

claw, jiáu.

clay, nîⁿ; thôu-nîⁿ; liâm-nîⁿ. for pottery, hûi-thôu.

clean, chheng; kng; mêng; pe̍h; mêng-pe̍h; thêng-chheng. water, tsúi chheng-chheng. weather, thiⁿ chêⁿ; thiⁿ-sî chêⁿ; liâu-liãng (cloudless). clear up after rain, hõu chêⁿ. clear up doubts, kói-gî. an account, chheng-siàu; siàu-ba̍k chheng-tshó. sighted, ma̍k-chiu hng.

clearance, ship's, tsûn-pâi.

clearly, mêng-mêng; hīn; mêng-hīn; mêng-pe̍h.

cleave, phùa-khui. wood, phùa-tshâ. cleave to, liâm-tùe; tah-tùe; tùe-kín; zû-ka zû-tshat; kuah-siá m̄-khui.

clemency, khuan-iông; tsuṳ̂-sim; ṳn-hũi; tshṳ̂-pui.

clerk, tsṳ-phōiⁿ. in civil court, a-pún. military, kó-kong; siàng-kong.

clever, lêng-lāi; tshong-mêng; gâu; miàⁿ-ke; õi; ũ-lêng-