Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/73

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crisis, come to, kàu-ke̍k. critical, sṳ̄ hiám.

crisp, sou. toast till crisp, pek-kàu sou-sou. hair, môⁿ khek-khek; khek-môⁿ.

criticise, phoi-phêng; pín-phêng. conduct, phêng-lũn.

croak, crow, a-a-kiè; ou-a-siaⁿ. frog, ok-ok-kiè; tsúi-koi-siaⁿ.

crockery, hûi; hûi-khì; tshṳ̂-khì (fine quality).

crocodile, nga̍k-hṳ̂.

crooked, uan; uan-khek; in-uan khit-khek; uan-uan khek-khek; uan-kùe-lâi. to bend, á-uan.

crop, of field, nîⁿ-tang; nîⁿ-chhêng; hìⁿ-tang; tang-chhêng. two crops a year, che̍k-nîⁿ siu-nõⁿ-tang. take in, kuah-tiũ; siu-tang; kuah-chhek. bird's crop, kui. to fill crop of fowl with sand &c, kuàn-kui.

cross, the, tsa̍p--jī kè. to make or write a, phah-tsham-chhe; phah-tshãm-sia.

cross, to, kùe. a river, kùe-khoi. cross-wise, hûeⁿ. to be cross with one, hia̍p-hiâm. peevish, tshou-siap; kia̍p-khak; tò-thì; m̄-sóng-khùai. cross-bar, mn̂g-tshùaⁿ; hûeⁿ-tshùaⁿ. cross-bow, nãuⁿ. cross-examine, poh-mn̄g; mn̄g-lâi mn̄g-khṳ̀; kháu-piẽn. cross-eyed, siâ-chiáu-ma̍k; tsho̍h-ma̍k; ma̍k-chiu tsho̍h-tsho̍h. cross-legged, phûan-khí-kha; phûan-thúi-tsõ. both legs crossed, sang-kha phûan-khí. cross-way, hûeⁿ-lōu.

croton, oil, pa-tāu-iû.

crouch, phak; khu; tshn̂g. as tiger, phak-tī.

crow, ou-a; ou-a-chiáu. cockcrow, koi thî. the second, koi thî jī-lo̍h.

crowbar, thih-chhiâng.

crowd, che̍k-khûn-nâng; nâng-mue̍h tsa̍t; lāu-jie̍t. to crowd, nâng-mue̍h sie-chìⁿ; oi-oi léng-léng.

crown, uâng-bō. crown-land, kuaⁿ-tī. crown-prince, thài-tsṳ́.

crucify, tèng tsa̍p-jī-kè.

crude, chheⁿ; būe-se̍k.

cruel, pãu-ngia̍k; hiong-sim; tshâng-jím; hiong-pãu; tshâng-ngia̍k. cruet-stand, ngóu-bī-kè.

cruise, to, sûn-hái; sûn-hô. cruiser, sûn-hái-tsûn; sûn-chhê-tsûn.

crumb, lân-ló; tshàm-tshùi. of bread, mīⁿ-pau-tshùi.

crumble, nia̍p-tshùi; peh-tshùi-tshùi.