Page:English-Chinese Vocabulary of the Vernacular Or Spoken Language of Swatow.djvu/74

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crumple, chhi̍p-jiâu; chhi̍p-niàuⁿ.

crush, teh-phùa; teh--tie̍h; tãⁿ--tie̍h; thiàm--tie̍h (as vermin under foot); khoih (as fingers in door); ko̍ih (as in torture). sugar-cane, ká-chià.

crust, khak; phûe; ngẽ-phûe; phí. rice-crust, pn̄g-phí.

crutch, kúai-chiãng.

cry, weep, khàu; thî-khàu. cry out, hàm; kiè; khui-siaⁿ. cry up, or applaud, tuah-tshái; o-ló. cry fish for sale, o-hṳ̂.

crystal, tsúi-chiaⁿ. brown, tê-chiaⁿ. dark, ou-chiaⁿ.

cube, la̍k-mīn poih-kak.

cubit, chhieh.

cuckold, chheⁿ-thâu; ou-ku; tōa-pih.

cucumber, tiàu-kue. slicer, kue-phau; kue-thiu.

cud, to chew the, huan-tsháu.

cudgel, kùn; tshâ-thûi; tshâ-kùn.

cuff, slap, òng; piang. with closed fist, cheng; tshùaⁿ. of coat, n̍g-kháu; siù-kháu.

cuirass, thih-kah; chia-heng-kah.

culpable, ũ-tsũe; ũ-kùe-sit. culprit, hũam-jîn.

cultivate, fields, tsoh-tshân; chèng-tsoh; keⁿ-tsoh; keⁿ-tshân. the heart, siu-sim. virtue, siu-tek. one's conduct, siu-sin.

cumber, the ground, tìn-tiāu tī-hng; tìn-tò.

cumbersome, chhin-chhiẽⁿ taⁿ-tãng-tàⁿ; tãng-jĩm, hûang-gāi; thua-lūi.

cunning, to-sim kek-sṳ̄; sim-sṳ̄ tsōi; ũ-sim-sṳ̄; khî-khá.

cup, cheng; pue. tea cup, tê-cheng; tê-pue; tê-au.

cupboard, tû; pûaⁿ-úaⁿ-tû; tãng-kè; chia̍h-tû.

cupidity, tham-sim; tham-chîⁿ; tham-tshâi.

curb, kúan-sok; iak-sok; khu-sok; at-chì. a horse, le̍k-tsũ.

curd, bean, tāu-hū (not pressed); tāu-kuaⁿ (pressed).

cure, ui; ui-tî; chhiâⁿ-tî; ui-pēⁿ. undertake to cure, to be paid if successful, pau-ui. kill instead of curing, ui-sí. curable, hó-ui. incurable, bô-ui. cure fish, lõu-hṳ̂.

curiosity, mih-sṳ̄ àiⁿ-tsai; hàuⁿ-thiaⁿ ôiⁿ-ūe; hàuⁿ-kiú-tîⁿ; kiú-tîⁿ-mn̄g; tîⁿ-mn̄g. curiosities, kóu-ngúan; kóu-tóng; thih-thô-mue̍h.

curious, khî; tshù-bī; koh-iēⁿ. see curiosity.

curl, to, kauh-uan ká-khek. hair, khek-môⁿ; môⁿ khek-khek.

currency, thong-pó; thong-sì-pó; chîⁿ-ngṳ̂n.