Page:English Historical Review Volume 37.djvu/556

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548 CALENDAR OF THE October 13. Paris MS., Bibl. Nat., Lat. 8703. More to Martin Dorp. Si mihi ad te . . . 21 October <1515>, Bruges. Probably the actual letter sent to Dorp : written by a secretary. There is also a manuscript at Schlettstadt (Cat. Rhen. 174 fin.), a copy made at Basle c. 1518, with no dates : see I. ii. 347 introd., 388. 157 n. First printed in More's Lucubrationes, Basle, 1563, pp. 365-428, with only the place-date : headed ' Apologia pro Moria Erasmi, qua etiam docetur quam necessaria sit linguae Graecae cognitio '. The year-date appears first in the Leiden edition of Erasmus' Epistolae, 1703, where this letter is included (App. 513). A brief extract in III, p. 260. U. Ill, p. 69. More to Dorp. Praediuinabam . . . <1516 ? London.) Only an extract. Evidently a part of More's letter to him after his retracta- tion of what he had written against Erasmus : see I. ii. 438, and introduction. 15. I. ii. 388. More to Erasmus. Posteaquam . . . <c. 17 February 1516, London.) 16. Ill, p. 207. More to Tunstall. In legationibus . . . <1516 ? London.) Only an extract. Perhaps of the same period as 15 ; which expresses similar reluctance to serve on embassies. 17. I. ii. 412. Erasmus to More. Caeteris aegroto . . . <c. 3 June 1516, Brussels.) 18. I. ii. 424. More to Erasmus. lubes, charissime . . . <c. 21 June 1516, London.) 19. I. ii. 461. More to Erasmus. Nusquamam . . . 3 September <1516>, London. 20. I. ii. 465. Warham to More. Post integerrimam. . . 16 September <1516>, Otford. 21. I. ii. 467. More to Erasmus. Accepi litteras . . . <c. 20 September 1516, London.) 22. I. ii. 468. More to Erasmus. Erasme charissime . . . <22 September 1516,) London. 23. I. ii. 474. Erasmus to More. lam ad iter ... 2 October 1516, Antwerp. 24. Utopia, fo. aiii. More to Peter Gilles. Pudet me ... <(c. October 1516, London.) The preface to More's Utopia, Louvain, Th. Martens, <c. December 1516.> An extract in III, p. 43. 25. I. ii. 481. More to Erasmus. Rescribo, mi Erasme . . . 31 October <1516>, London.