Page:English Historical Review Volume 37.djvu/557

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1922 CORRESPONDENCE OF SIR THOMAS MORE 549 26. Utopia, fo. a i. Jerome Busleiden to More. Non satfuit . . . (November) 1516, Mechlin. Busleiden's congratulatory letter printed in the Utopia. An extract in III, p. 45. 27. Ill, p. 64. More to Tunstall. Quanquam omnes . . . <c. November 1516, London.) A long extract. Writing to Erasmus, c. 4 December 1516, More says, ' D. Tunstallus litteras nuper ad me dedit plenas affectus amicissimi : cuius iudicium tarn candidum, tarn honorificum de republica nostra . . . me exhilarauit ' (no. 28). This is evidently More's reply to Tunstall's letter. 28. I. ii. 499. More to Erasmus. De equo tuo . . . (c. 4 December 1516, London.) 29. I. ii. 502. More to Erasmus. Non dubito . . . 15 December <1516), London. 30. Ill, p. 205. More to Warham. Semper quidem . . . (January 1517, London.) Accompanying More's gift of a copy of the Utopia ; and offering congratu- lations on Warham's resignation of the chancellorship, 22 December 1515. 31. Ill, p. 208. More to a member of the royal court. Ego Utopiam meam . . . ( January 1517 ?, London.) Only an extract. Explaining why the Utopia had not been dedicated to Wolsey. 32. I. ii. 513. More to Erasmus. Mantffi syngrapham . . . 13 January (1517, London). 33. Ill, p. 208. More to Antonio <? Bonvisi). De me quod . . . (January 1517 ?, London.) Answering a letter about the Utopia. It is addressed ' ad Antonium quen- dam, virum doctissimum ' ; probably Bonvisi, an intimate friend for many years. 34. I. ii. 543. Erasmus to More. Nuper fasciculum . . . 1 March 1516/7, Antwerp. 35. I. ii. 545. Erasmus to More. Misi duas ... 8 March 1517, Antwerp. 36. Ill, p. 65. More to Tunstall. Quod in literis ... (1517 ?, London.) Two extracts : perhaps written when Tunstall was abroad in 1517. 37. I. ii. 584. Erasmus to More. Calendis Maii . . . <30 May) 1517, (Antwerp). 38. I. iii. 597. Erasmus to More. Quod nihil ... <c. 10 July 1517, Louvain.)