Page:English for Teachers.djvu/20

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Unit 1

Chapter 5

'because' and 'since' (p. 472)

He doesn't eat kimchi because it's hot.
Since he doesn't eat kimchi, he is always hungry.

The expletive 'there' (p. 426)

There's a book on the desk.

  1. Quotation

    Some fish and seaweed off the coast of Pusan is unfit to eat because it contains excessive amounts of mercury.

    - The Korea Times, 1974

  2. Exchanges

    A: Is there a phone here?
    B: Yes, it's in the other room.

    A: Why not drink some beer with me tonight?
    B: Because I have school tomorrow.
    A: That's no excuse.

    A: Since you speak English so well, what does this word mean?

    B: I don't know. Look it up.
  3. Dialogue A: There's a beer hall around here, isn't there?
    B: Yes. There it is across the street.
    A: How about a couple of quick ones?
    B: But what'll our vice-principal say?
    A: Don't worry about him. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.