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Unit 1

Chapter 5

  1. Review Reading

    There are usually two points of view to any problem. While most people agree that a healthy, clean environment is important, they disagree on the means to this end. After all, pollution control is often bad for business. It cuts profits.

    One short-sighted scientist, Dr. Herman Kahn, says, "We must continually develop our industry. When we are all rich, then worry about the environment." On the other hand, Buckminster Fuller, another scientist, says, "Our earth is a spaceship. It's air and water supplies are limited. We must plan for our children and grandchildren."

    A Chinese proverb asks, "How long can 10 worms eat one apple?"

    There is only one sane rule of business, "Provide for the future."
  2. Activity The Review Reading states that "there are usually two points of view to any problem." Using "because" or "since", give two points of view regarding the following problems:
    1. pollution control
    2. birth control
    3. higher teachers' salaries
    4. corporal punishment
    5. adoption