Page:English for Teachers.djvu/36

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Unit 3

Chapter 1

  1. Writing (continued)

    E. Change to present continuous.

    1. Society _____ rapidly. (industrialize)
    2. She _____ your question. (consider)
    3. She _____ my car. (drive)
    4. He _____ factory workers. (train)
    5. Life _____ fast in Korea. (change)
    6. Computers ______ many new jobs. (create)
    7. He _____ my broken watch. (repair)

    F. Number the sentences in the first paragraph of the reading and tell whether they are fact or opinion.
    G. Read the third paragraph. Write five sentences of your own agreeing or disagreeing with the sentences in the reading.

    H. Put your sentences from ex. G in a paragraph using the connectives "however, because , since" where possible.