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Unit 3

Chapter 2

Present Perfect Tense (pp. 445-446)

I have seen her three times.

Passive (p. 430)

He is respected by everyone.
They were married by a priest.
This letter has been opened.

Passive with 'get'

They got married.
He gets forgotten all the time.

  1. Exchanges

    A: Have you been to the movie "Love Story"?
    B: No, not yet, but I'm going to go tomorrow.

    A: Have they opened the new library yet?
    B: I think it was opened last week.

    A: Why does he try so hard?
    B: Oh, he wants to be liked by everybody.

    A: Don't you want any strawberries?
    B: No, I always get sick when I eat them.

    A: I'll change the yontan for you.

    B: Careful! Don't get burned.
  2. Reading
    Dear Abby, My husband is a doctor. He has always been respected by the people in our town. People frequently tell me that he is patient and understanding. On the other hand, since he is so busy taking care of other people, he doesn't spend time with his own family. Sometimes I don't see him for days. Our children have missed their father a lot. He has missed their birthday parties, school programs and special events. During the most important events of our lives, patients have called and he has gone. When I have complained, he has said, "Don't be selfish!" What am I going to do?
