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Unit 4

Chapter 2

III. Activity

A. Do Reading II, B., question 2,3,4 of Chapter 1 again, but this time use indirect speech.

ex. Mrs. Kim: We'll all do it.
She said we would all do it.

B. Change commands of Unit 1, Chapter 3 and/or Unit 4, Chapter 1, Activity V, to polite requests, using "Would you...?" or "Would you please. . .?"

C. Follow the cue word and pattern in creating dialogues.

ex. "go" A: (Where) would you like to (go)?
B: I'd like to go to (Thailand).
A: Would you like to go to (Japan)?
B: No, I'd rather go to Thailand.

1. drink
2. study
3. live
4. meet

5. see
6. go home
7. read
8. sit

9. talk about
10. listen to
11. begin studying
12. be like

D. "Health is not valued till sickness comes."
"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."

Poor personal health is often the result of carelessness.
We would rather excuse ourselves than learn good habits.
Practice your excuses here, using the pattern.

ex. Didn't you take your medicine?
I would have, but it tasted terrible.

1. Didn't you see a doctor?
2. Didn't you get a TB X-ray?
3. Didn't you wash your dishes with soap?
4. Didn't you watch your step?
5. Didn't you get a cholera shot?
6. Didn't you take your vitamins?
7. Didn't you get a vaccination?
8. Didn't you stay home when you were sick?
9. Wasn't your kitchen clean?
10. Weren't you careful about germs?