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Unit 4

Chapter 2

IV. Writing

A. Complete the following sentences using "would", writing only the second half of the sentence on a separate sheet of paper.

B. Close your books and exchange papers.

C. Write your own first half of the sentence, using "When... used to."

ex. When I used to live in Chon-ju, ... (I would eat Pibinpab.)
(When I used to get hungry)... I would eat Pibinpab.
  1. When I used to feel lonely...
  2. When she used to be a teacher...
  3. When there used to be many different middle school English texts...
  4. When my grandfather used to tell jokes...
  5. When Lee Hae Sun used to study English...
  6. When you used to be children...
  7. When an American used to come to our school...
  8. When I used to be younger...
  9. When we used to have time...
  10. When the prices used to be lower...
  11. When he used to come here often...
  12. When we used to be poorer...

V. Activity

Go back to the Comprehensive Reading and decide which statements are statements of opinion and which are statements of fact.

Show where opinions are supported by another opinion or a fact.