Page:Enquiry into plants (Volume 1).pdf/17

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altered the text to accord with Gaza's version.)

G. The Latin version of Theodore Gaza,[1] the Greek refugee: first printed at Treviso (Tarvisium) in 1483. A wonderful work for the time at which it appeared. Its present value is due to the fact that the translation was made from a different MS. to any known. Unfortunately however this does not seem to have been a better text than that on which the Aldine edition was based. Moreover Gaza did not stick to his authority, but adopted freely Pliny's versions of Theophrastus, emending where he could not follow Pliny. There are several editions of Gaza's work: thus

G. Par. G. Bas. indicate respectively editions published at Paris in 1529 and at Bâle in 1534 and 1550. Wimmer has no doubt that the Tarvisian is the earliest edition, and he gives its readings, whereas Schneider often took those of G.Bas.

Vin. Vo. Cod. Cas. indicate readings which Schneider believed to have MS. authority, but which are really anonymous emendations from the margins of MSS. used by his predecessors, and all, in Wimmer's opinion
  1. See Sandys, History of Classical Scholarship, ii. p. 62, etc.
