Page:Entertaining history of Sandford and Merton.pdf/14

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fortune was not yet completed. As he jumped down from a ſtile, he found himſelf in the hands of the lame beggar he had thrown on his face. He cried and begged pardon, but the lame man gave him a ſevere thraſhing before he let him depart.

He again purſued his journey, and ſoon found himſelf ſurrounded by the boys he had ſo ill uſed in the morning. As ſoon as they ſaw him without his dog, who had been killed by the kick of an aſs which he had ſet him upon, they ſet up a ſhout, and began to torment him different ways. Some pulled his hair, pelted him with dirt, and others ſnapped their handkerchiefs at his legs. He endeavoured in vain to make his eſcape. At laſt, however, he happened to ſee the jack-aſs he had tormented in the morning, when he ſprung upon his back, hoping by that means to eſcape. The aſs inſtantly galloped away with him, and ſoon bore him from his enemies; but the animal still keeping his pace, in ſpite of the efforts of the Ill-natured Boy to prevent him, on a ſudden ſtopped ſhort at the the door of a cottage, and then began