Page:Entertaining history of Sandford and Merton.pdf/15

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kicking and prancing with ſuch violence, that he threw the little boy from his back, and bruiſed his leg. His cries brought out the family, among them the young girl whoſe milk he had ſpilled. However, they took him in, and treated him kindly. He now determined, ſhould he recover from this accident, he would in future ſtudy to do good, and injure no perſon or animal any more.]

Tommy was vaſtly pleaſed with this ſtory, as it ſhewed the difference between being good and naughty. Every one loved and aſſiſted the little Good natured Boy, but every one puniſhed and deſpiſed the other.


Tommy and Harry having taken it in their heads, that they would build them a houſe at the bottom of the garden, Mr. Barlow not only gave his conſeut, but went into the copſe, to cut down poles proper for the purpoſe.

A few days after, they went to look at the houſe they had begun building, when they found that a hurricane, which