Page:Essay on the Principles of Translation - Tytler (1791, 1st ed).djvu/154

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Chap. IX.

rim tamen, tanquam placituram, et fortasse placebit, expecta. Plin. Ep. 8. 3.

"I consent to undertake the cause which you so earnestly recommend to me; but as glorious and honourable as it may be, I will not be your counsel without a fee. Is it possible, you will say, that my friend Pliny should be so mercenary? In truth it is; and I insist upon a reward, which will do me more honour than the most disinterested patronage." Plin. Ep. 6. 23.

Impense petis ut agam causam pertinentem ad curam tuam, pulchram alioquin et famo sam. Faciam, sed non gratis. Qui fieri potest (inquis) ut non gratis tu? Potest: exigam enim mercedem honestiorem gratuito patrocinio. Plin. Ep. 8. 3.
