Page:Face to Face With the Mexicans.djvu/264

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"From Heaven she descended,
Triumphant and glorious,
To favor us—
La Guadalupana.


"Farewell, Guadalupe!
Queen of the Indians!
Our life is Thine,
This kingdom is Thine.


"Farewell, Guadalupe!
Queen of the Indians!
We who leave you to-day
Know not who may come again."

When they withdrew from the church, our party following closely, the dancing was resumed with added fervor. Before I was aware of the fact, my feet were going up and down, out and around, in imitation of the Indians, and greatly to the amusement of my friends and the spectators, some exclaiming, "Que chula! Mira la niña bailanda!" ("How pretty! Look at the child dancing!') which broke the spell, recalled me to myself, and joining my party, we went down the hill. But before we had gone down ten of the almost countless steps, one of the most picturesquely attired of all the Indians was walking by my side, making a bargain with me for the sale of his crown and feathers.

While the scene I had just witnessed had, at times, an effect to excite merriment, the contrary feeling of sadness and almost reverence prevailed. I could not but feel awe in the presence of those dark children of the wild mountains as they performed their mystical devotions and sang the rude barbaric songs that had in their tones the strangeness of another world. They were so earnest, so devout, so loving to the Mother of the shrine, and their grief so deep, when