Page:Face to Face With the Mexicans.djvu/488

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''Niña Chiquita y bonita" ("A pretty, sweet little girl"), holding up the little finger.

El señor de los anillos" ("The gentleman gives the ring”), holding up third finger.

"El tonto y loco" ("Idiotic and crazy "), holding middle finger.

"El lama casuelas" ("Licks the cook-pot "), elevating forefinger.

"Mata las animalas" ("Kills the little animals"). This last is accompanied by the very expressive gesture of tapping the thumbnails together.

If this charming recital fails to act as a narcotic to her little hearers, she goes on with:

"Este era un rey que tenia tres hijas,
Y las metio en unas botijas y
Catrape el cuento ha acabado.

"Este era un rey que tenia tres hijas,
Los vestio de Colorado
Catrape el cuento ha acabado."

("This was a king who had three daughters,
And he put them in earthen jugs—
Now my story is ended.

"This was a king who had three daughters,
And he dressed them all in red—
Now my story is ended.")

And so on to yet more blood-curdling and fascinating romances till slumber seals her listeners' eyes, and her task ceases.


Por dentro Colorado y por fuera como salvado?" Answer: El mamey (one of the favorite fruits of the country). Trans.: "Red inside and like bran outside? The mamey." Another: "Agua pasa por mi casa. Cate de mi corazon. El que me lo adivinare de Ie parte el corazon. " Answer: "The Aguacate" ("the vegetable butter)." Trans.: "Water passes through my house. Try my heart. Whoever guesses it, his heart will break."