Page:Familiar letters of Henry David Thoreau.djvu/328

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man in it. I shall probably stay here as much as ten days longer : board 13.50 per week. So you and Brown had better come down forthwith. You will find either the schooner Melrose or an other, or both, leaving Commerce Street, or else T Wharf, at 9 A. M. (it commonly means 10), Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, if not other days. We left about 10 A. M., and reached Provincetown at 5 P. M., a very good run. A stage runs up the Cape every morning but Sun day, starting at 4| A. M., and reaches the post- office in North Truro, seven miles from Prov incetown, and one from the lighthouse, about 6 o clock. If you arrive at P. before night, you can walk over, and leave your baggage to be sent. You can also come by cars from Boston to Yarmouth, and thence by stage forty miles more, through every day, but it costs much more, and is not so pleasant. Come by all means,, for it is the best place to see the ocean in these States. I hope I shall be worth meet ing.

July 14.

You say that you hope I will excuse your fre quent writing. I trust you will excuse my in frequent and curt writing until I am able to resume my old habits, which for three months I have been compelled to abandon. Methinks I am beginning to be better. I think to leave the