Page:Familiar letters of Henry David Thoreau.djvu/329

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aor.38.] TO HARRISON BLAKE. 305

Cape next Wednesday, and so shall not see you here ; but I shall be glad to meet you in Con cord, though I may not be able to go before the mast, in a boating excursion. This is an admir able place for coolness and sea-bathing and re tirement. You must come prepared for cool weather and fogs.

P. S. There is no mail up till Monday morning.


CONCORD, September 26, 1855.

ME. BLAKE, The other day I thought that my health must be better, - that I gave at last a sign of vitality, because I experienced a slight chagrin. But I do not see how strength is to be got into my legs again. These months of feebleness have yielded few, if any, thoughts, though they have not passed without serenity, such as our sluggish Musketaquid suggests. I hope that the harvest is to come. I trust that you have at least warped up the stream a little daily, holding fast by your anchors at night, since I saw you, and have kept my place for me while I have been absent.

Mr. Ricketson of New Bedford has just made me a visit of a day and a half, and I have had a quite good time with him. He and Channing have got on particularly well together. He is