Page:Famous history of the learned Friar Bacon (2).pdf/19

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the Learned Friar Bacon.

Time is for ſome to gain,
Time is for ſome to loſe
Time is for ſome to hand,
But then they cannot chooſe.

Time is to go a ſcore,
Time is when one ſhould pay;
Time is to reckon too,
But few care for that day.

Time is to graft the horn,
Upon another's head;
Time is to make maid's bellies ſwell;
Oh then 'tis time they're wed.

Heareſt thou this goodman copper-noſe? we ſcholars know when time is, without thy babbling: we know when time is to drink good ſack, eat well, kiſs our hoſteſſes, and run on the ſcore. But when time is to pay them, is indeed but ſeldom.

Whilſt thus he merrily diſcourſed, about half an hour after, the ſame noiſe began as before and the head ſaid, Time was. Well, ſaid Miles, this blockiſh head is the fooliſheſt thing my wiſe maſter ever troubled himſelf about. How would he have laughed, had he been here, to hear it prat ſo ſimply! therefore thou brazen faced aſs, ſpeak wiſer, or I ſhall ne'er trouble my head to awake him, time was, quotha! thou aſs thou! I know that, and to thou ſhalt hear; for I find my maſter has watched and tutored thee to a fine purpoſe.