Page:Famous history of the learned Friar Bacon (2).pdf/20

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The famous History of

Time was when thou, a kettle,
Was wont to hold good matter;
But Friar Bacon did thee ſpoil,
When he thy ſides did batter.

Time was when conſcience dwelt
With men of each vocation;
Time was when lawyers did not thrive
So well by men's vexations.

Time was when charity
Was not deny'd a being:
Time was when office kept no knaves;
That time was worth the ſeeing.

Ay, ay, and time was for many other things: But what of that, goodman brazenface? I ſee my maſter has placed me here on a very fooliſh account: I think I'd as good go to ſleep too, as to ſtay watching here to no purpoſe. Whilſt he thus ſcoffed and taunted, the head ſpoke a third time, and ſaid, Time is paſt; and ſo, with a horrible noiſe, fell down and broke to pieces: whereupon enſued lamentable ſhrieks and cries, flaſhes of fire, and a rattling as of thunder, which awaking the two Friars, they came running in, in great diſorder, found Miles rolling on the floor, in a ſtinking pickle, almoſt dead with fear, and the head lying ſhattered about the room in a thouſand pieces. Then having brought him to his ſenſes again, they demanded how this came. Nay, the Devil knows better than