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A wee stocked mailen himsell for the laird
And marriage aff hand were his proffers,
I never loot on that I kend or I car’d,
But thought I might get waur offers, waur offers
But thought I might get waur offers.

But what wad you think? in a fortnight or less,
The deil tak his taste to gae uear her!
He up the lang Loan to my black cousin Bess,
Guess ye how, the jade ! I could bear her, could
bear her,
Guess ye how the jade! I could bear her.

But a' the (illegible text)eist week as I fretted wi' care,
I gaed to the tryst o' Dolgarnock,
And wha but my fine fickle lover was there,
I glowr’d as I'd seen a warlock, a warlock,
I glowr’d as I'd seen a warlock.

But owre my left shouther I gae him a blink,
Lest neebaurs might say I was saucy,
My woner he caper’d as he’d bean in drink,
And vow’d I was his dear lassie, dear lassie,
And vow’d I was h s dear lassie.

I spier'd for my cousin fu' couthy and sweet,

Gin she had recover’d her hearin'