Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/392

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350 ELY.

William held this dignity in 1155^^.

Henry about 1 158.

Richard de Ee.y, ahas Fitz-Neale, was collated to this dignity before the year 1 1 69, and in 1 1 84 was removed to the deanery of Lincoln. Bishop of Lon- don in 1 1 89.

Richard IJarre about 11 91 and i 196 6^.

Stephen de Ridale about 1210* : resigned in 1214.

Adam de Tillen or Tilxey succeeded in 1214, and died possessed of it 6th Nov. 12 ig^^.

Giles was possessed of it in 1222 and 1225^^.

Robert of Leycestre, 1238, 1241 "".

Nicholas or Ely, 1249; ^^^^ '" 126S he was made bishop of Worcester.

Ralph de ^V^ALPOLE occurs in 1268 and 1271 ; and in 1288 he was made bishop of Norwich"-.

John de Osevile held it in 1289 and i292^.

Ralph de Fodrixghey, 130771.

William de Testa, a Roman cardinal, was arch- deacon of Ely, temp. Edw. IL"^ Ob. circa 1326.

Gilbert de Bruer was archdeacon of Ely in 1328".

Richard de Bynteworth, i8th Oct. 1335 77. His ap- pointment revoked 7 '^.

John de Oreford or Dufford or De Offord, 26th Nov. 1335, 1343 '

John Tydd held it in 1344.

��^ Madox, Excheq. 476. 72 Pat. 17 Edw. I. m. 21. Rot.

^^ Wharton. Gravesend Episc. Line. Angl.

  • Reg. de Hulmo. Cotton. Sacra, pars i. p. 412.

Galba, E. ii. f. 43. 73 Memor. 01. Sutton. Episc.

67 Lett. temp. Joh. N>. 28. Line. f. 34.

^ MS. in Offic. Armorum, 74 Rot. Pari. 35 Edw. L

No. 10. 75 Pat. 18 Edw. IL

69 Reg. Waltham. Cotton, f. 76 Claus. 2 Edw. IlL m. 37. 155. in dorse.

70 Cartul. Abb. de Thorney '7 Pat. 9 Edw. IIL p. 2. m. 15. penes Dom. Comitissam West- 78 Ibid. m. 5.

morland. 79 Ibid. Offord in Rymer,

71 Prynn. Hist. Coll. torn. ii. vol. v. p. 374. p. 726.

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