Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/393

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Gailhardus Cardinalis de Mota, in 1345 ^^^ Held

in 1347. Bernard de Caulason, 1351^'.

Gilbert de Bruera again. He died 3rd Nov. 1353^'-. James de Beaufort, 4th Feb. 1355-6^3. Androynus, a Roman cardinal, 27th April 1363^-*. Edward Burnel, 28th Nov. 1373*^ and 1380^^. John Crichurch held it in 1379. He died in 1387. Thomas de Pattesle was collated 20th May 1387^". Thoma.s Dalby, 28th May 1388. ^ Thomas Feriby, 14th Sept. 1388^^. Adam Mottrum, 27th Oct. 1397. He exchanged this

dignity for some other preferment with John Welbourne, 27th Oct. 1397^". He held it 31st

Jan. 1402^0, and in 1405 5^. John Metford or Metefield, 7th Feb. 1409-10^2.

His will is dated 24th Feb. 141 1-2. Robert Wetheringsete held it in 1420 and 14449-^. John Stokys collated 15th March 1444-594. His will

is dated 1466. Richard Bole was installed ii Id. Feb. ( 1 2th) 1466-795. Richard Robinson, collated 30th Sept. 1477, on Bole's

death 96. Thomas Morton, collated 1479/. Ob. xvi Cal. Sept.

(1 7th Aug.) 1496. Thomas Alcock, collated i8th Aug. 1496. He died

1 2th Sept. 15239s.

"^f* Rymer, vol. v. p. 442. ^9 Reg. Stafford Episc. Exon.

81 Ibid. p. 706. Rymer, vol. \\\i. pp. 238, 423.

82 Newcourt, vol. i. p. 42. '^ Pat. 3 Hen. IV. p. i. m. 8.

83 Pat. 31 Edw. III. p. I. m. ^i Pat. 7 Hen. IV. p. 2. m. 39. 25. 92 Pat. II H. IV. p.

84 Pat. 37 Edw. III. p. I. m. 93 MS. Norwic. ix. f. 128. 23. 94 Ex Notis T. Tanner.

85 Pat. 47 Edw. III. p. 2.m.i2. 95 MS. Kennet, E.

86 Memor. Chedworth Episc. 96 Angl. Sacra, pars i. p. 673. Line. fol. 70. 97 Reg. Morton.

87 Ex Notis T. Tanner, S.T.P. 98 Rgg. Cantuar. Ex Notis

88 Pat. 12 Ric. II. p. I. m. 21. T. Tanner.

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