Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/423

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throned nth Dec. following, and in 1662 was trans- lated to Worcester.

1662 Seth Ward, S.T.P., dean of Exeter^ was elected 8th

14 Car. II. July 1662, confirmed on the 19th, and consecrated

on the 20th of the same month 5. He was enthroned

2ist Dec. following, and was translated to Salisbury

in 1667.

1667 Anthoky Sparrow, S.T.D., archdeacon of Sudbury and

19 Car. II. master of King's college^ Camlridge, 'wq.b elected 14th

Oct. 1667, confirmed on the 30th of the same month,

consecrated 3rd Nov.^, and in 1676 he was translated

to Norwich".

1676 Thomas Lamplugh, dean of Rochester, was elected 3rd 28 Car. II. Oct. 1676, confirmed 2nd Nov., and consecrated at Lambeth on the 12th of the same month s. He was translated to York in 1688 9.

1689 Sir Jonathan Trelawney, bart., bishop of Bristol, iW, &M. was nominated to Exeter i6th Nov. 16881^, and re- ceived the royal assent 8th April 1689; he was con- firmed 13th April 11, and enthroned on the 27th of the same month. In 1 707 he was translated to Win- chester. The conge d'elire, vice Trelawney, is dated 13th Jan. 17078.

1708 Offspring Blackall, S.T.D., was elected 23rd Jan.

6 Ann. 1707-8, consecrated 8th Feb.i^, the temporalities were restored to him on the 15th, and he was en- throned on the 28th of the same month. He died 29th Nov. 1 7 16, and was buried in Exeter cathedral.

1 717 Launcelot Blackburn, dean of Exeter, was nomi- 3 Geo I. nated bishop of Exeter in the room of Dr. Offspring

His own register says that he was He held the archdeaconry of

consecrated 2nd Dec. Le Neve, Exeter in commendam until he

p. 84. was translated to Norwich.

^ Reg. Juxon, fol. 302. 8 Rgg, Sheldon, fol. 192, and

6 Reg. Sheldon, fol. 47. Lond. Gaz. N. 1362.

7 In his episcopate the deanery ^ London Gazette, N". 2408. of St. Burien, in Cornwall, was "^ Church Book, Home Office, annexed to this see. (Lond. Ga- " Reg. Sancroft, fol. 191. zette, 22nd July 1669, N", 384.) '2 Reg. Tenison, II. fol. 33.

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