Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/424

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Blackall 28th Jan. 1716-17, and elected on the 30th of the same month ; the royal assent to his election was given 23rd Feb., and he was consecrated 24th Feb. at Ely House chapel, Holborn'^. In 1724 he was translated to York. 1724 Stephen Weston, S.T.P., was nominated to the see of II Geo. I. Exeter 28th Nov. 1 724, elected 8th Dec, and the royal assent was given on the 1 2th ; he did homage to the King at St. James's 19th Dec, was confirmed at Bow church on the 24th, and consecrated on the 28th of the same month^'. The temporalities were restored to him 5th Jan. following^ '. He died 8th Jan. 1741-2, setat. 77. 1742 Nicholas Claggett, bishop of St. David's, was nomi- 16 Geo. IT. nated bishop of Exeter in the room of Dr. Weston, deceased. He was confirmed at Bow church 2nd Aug. 1742. He died 8th Dec 1746. 1747 George Lavington was nominated to this see 15th 20 Geo. II. Dec 1 746, and the royal assent to his election was given 8th Jan. following. He was confirmed at Bow church 6th Feb , and consecrated on the 8th of the same month at Lambeth i^\ The temporalities were restored to him 20th Feb. He died /3th Sept. T762. 1762 Frederick Keppel was nominated as bishop of Exeter 3 Geo. III. 14th Oct. 1762, and elected 25th Oct. He was con- firmed 5th Nov., and consecrated 7th Nov.'^ The temporalities were restored to him 9th Nov. follow- ingi9. He died in 1777. 1778 John Ross was elected 12th Jan. 1778, and received iSGeo.IIl. the royal assent to his election on the 20th; he was confirmed on the 23rd, and consecrated on the 25th of the same month -o. He died 14th Aug. 1792.

��'3 Reg. Wake, fol. 36. '" Church Book, Home Office.

I'l Ibid. fol. 246. 18 Reg, Seeker, fol. 199.

'^ Church Book, Home Office. is* Church Book, Home Office.

'6 Reg. Potter, fol. 209. 20 Rgg. Cornwallis, fol. 256.

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