Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/432

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Thomas Draper occurs 5th Nov. 1370. He exchanged, 15th May 1376, for Hethlegh rectory, in Hants, with y John Podesdon, collated 15th May 1376.

Thomas Noell was collated 9th Oct. 1399; on whose death,

Thomas Estbroke, collated 13th Sept. 141 7. He made his will loth Aug. 1441 ; it was proved 23rd Nov. following.

John Rawe succeeded 28th Aug. 1441. His will is dated 8th Sept. 1462, and was proved 4th Jan. 1463-4.

Walter Wyndeford or Wyndesore occurs in 1480 and 1482.

William Sumaster died in office in 1504.

John Tyake was collated 22nd Jan. following. Re- signed for the archdeaconry of Barura.

Richard Tollet, collated 13th May 15 15. Resigned, within three years, for the archdeaconry of Barum.

Robert Weston, collated 28th April 1518; on whose death, in Sept. 1539,

Nicholas sometimes written William Weston, ne- phew to Robert Weston, succeeded 6th Oct. 1539; on whose death,

John Blaxton was collated 7th March 1546-7; on whose resignation for the treasurership,

Thomas Nuttcombe was collated 13th April 1558; on whose deprivation,

Richard Gaumon was nominated by the Queen to this office ist Jan. 1560-61, but he does not appear to have been installed.

Christopher Bodlegh succeeded 12th March 1566.

Francis Godwin, the celebrated biographer of the bishops of England, collated nth June 1587. He was promoted to the see of Llandaff, and thence translated to Hereford. He died 29th April 1633.

John Sprott was collated i8th Feb. 1602-3; on whose death.

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