Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/455

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Henry Bold, S.T.B., was installed 30th Nov. 1668. He

died 9th Sept. 1677 ^^. George Hooper, S.T.P., was installed i6th Oct. 1677,

and resigned in 1704^. He became bishop of St.

Asaph, and was afterwards removed to Bath. William Jane, S.T.P., chancellor of this cathedral, was

installed 6th May 1704, and resigned it in 1706^^

He became dean of Gloucester. Thomas Newey, S.T.P., chancellor of Exeter, was in- stalled nth Dec. 1706-^^. Ob. 6th May 1723, setat.

66, and was buried in Winchester cathedral. Richard Ibbetson was instituted 29th May 1723, vice

Newey ^". Ob. ist Sept. 1731. Peter Eoulkes, collated ist Oct. 1731^. Ob. 30th

April 1 747, setat. 7 1 . Jeremiah Milles, collated i ith May 1747 '^9. resigned

for the deanery. John Snow% collated 22nd Feb. 1762^. Ob. ist March

1772. Daniel Burton, collated 3rd April 1772 ^^ Thomas Skinner, collated 8th June 1775^^. Ob. 7th

Aug. 1789, setat. 6i. George Gordon, collated 29th Aug. 1789*^'. Resigned

for the deanery. Thomas Bartlam, collated 8th April 1809. Ob. 30th

March 1832, setat. 64. Thomas Hill Lowe, collated 14th Sept. 1832^. Re- signed for the deanery. William John Phillpotts, collated 21st Nov. 1840^.

This dignity is rated for first fruits at 99/. 13s. i\d.^^

��53 Reg. Exon. 60 Bishops' Certificates.

1^4 Bishops' Certificates. 61 ibij. 62 ibid,

ss Reg. Exon. 63 ibid. 64 ibid.

'6 Ibid. 65 Ibid.

57 Bishops' Certificates. 66 Ecton, p. 102.

58 Ibid. 59 Ibid.

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