Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.1 body of work.djvu/457

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William de Mugge, 20th Sept. 1367 '^^.

Robert Brok enjoyed it in 13838^.

William de Trevellys held this office circa 1387

and 1389^^ JoHx DoDiNTON was Collated 26th Aug. 1399 ^6, Richard Hals succeeded 27th Sept. 1400. His will,

dated ist May 1417, was proved on the 25th of that

month. He died 1 8th May '^7. Roger Bolter, collated 25th May 1417, and resigned

the office nth April 141 8 for the precentorship. Michael Lercedekxe, collated 23rd April 1418. His

will, dated 5th Jan. 1441-2, was proved 28th Feb.

1446. Henry Webber was collated 20th Jan. 14412, and

1 6th May 1453 was made precentor^^. John Burnebuky, collated 17th May 1453. John Kirkeby. His will, dated 7th Oct. 1474, was

proved 5th Feb. 1475-6 9. John Stubbes, archdeacon o/Barum, was collated loth

Dec. 1476; and next year was made precentor^o. Robert Barforth was collated 16th Nov. 1477; and

in Feb. foUowino: was made archdeacon of Barum^^ Thomas Langtox was collated i8th Feb. 1477-8^-. John Combe enjoyed it in 1484 ^J. He became pre- centor here. Thomas Austell held this office in 1492^^. Ob. 1515. Bernard Oldham, archdeacon of Comically was col- lated 5th April 1515^^ His will, dated 2cth May

1516, was proved 5th Nov. 1516. Richard More, collated 24th May 15 16.

��83 Reg. Ebor. ^^ Lib. Testam. penes Dec. et

8^ Reg. Brentingham. Capit. Ebor.

85 Reg. Heref. et MS. penes Reg. Booth.

Dec. et Cap. Exon. "i Ibid. 92 ibid.

86 Reg. StaflFord. ^3 Reg. Stillington.

87 Pat. 2 Hen. IV. p. i. ra. 2. 94 Reg. King.

88 Reg. Lacy. 95 Reg. Oldham.

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