Richard de Bernard held it in i 294.
Philip de Cornwall held it in 1303.
Ralph de Normanville in 1332.
William de Preston held it in 1339.
William de Shrewsbury occurs in i36o"9.
John Knode, placed erroneously by Le Neve among
the archdeacons of Salop, in the diocese of Hereford.
He held this in 1379 and 1382. ^Philip Lee, collated 4th May 1398. ^ William Newport held it in 1400, ex causa permu- "V tationis^*^.
John Howbell held it in 1400, ex causa permuta- /v tionissi.
Thomas Wursop alias Chesterfeld, collated 31st
Oct. 1428. Gregory Newport, collated 17th Aug. 1431. John Webornt held it in 1436. Thomas Salisbury had it in 1437. Thomas Lye, collated 22nd May 1450, held it in
1462. John Fox held it in 1464.
Edmund Halse or Hales possessed it in 1483. Richard Sherborne held it in 1485; he held it in
1491. Adam Grafton held it in 1504; resigned it in 1514,
on being collated to the archdeaconry of Stafford. Joachim Bretunne, collated 20th July J 5 15. Richard Strete, 1527^-2. David Pole, collated 2nd April 1536, and in 1557 was
made bishop of Peterborough. William Hill was collated 1 5th Jan. 15578.
��79 Pat. 34 Edw. III. p. I. archdeacons of Salop in Here-
- Roger de Cantuaria, 1297; ford diocese, as was also Hugh
William de Ross, 1318; William Foliot in the year 1219.
de Preston, 1339; William de ^^ Pat. i Hen. IV. p. i.m. 16.
Shrovesbury, 27th Oct. 1360. Reg. Beaufort Ep. Line.
Le Neve places these names ^^ Reg. Beaufort Ep. Line.
among the archdeacons of Salop ^^ Rymer, vol. xiv. p. 193.
in this diocese, but they were
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