Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/186

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SQUIBB Pain', collated 12th and installed 23rd Nov.

1728 '".

LOUTH. Bartholomew held this stall in 1203. Hi (.11 in Wells succeeded to it in 1203. William de Chi ssi ^ died possessed <>t' it in 1309. William de Mi ltom succeeded in 1309. In 1317 he

was made archbishop of York. Go< 1 , a Roman cardinal, Buooeeded in 13 17, and

luld it in 1346. JoBTN (in, .11 held it from 1346 till hifl death in 1361.

John Warsopp was collated to it in 1361. He died

jrd April 1 j86, and was buried in the cathedral.

Thomas Middleton succeeded Warsopp, being named to it by the Tope in [386, and installed by proxy 7 1 1 1 April that same year; but shortly after, (8th dune,)

Job n \Y \ 1 \ 1 11 ic was installed.

Alan Humbebston, oollatod 1 1 1 1 1 Feb. 1420-21, rice Wainfleet deceased.

John Mabshali sncceeded 1 2th Sept. 1440, vice I lum- berston deceased. He died 1 2th June 1445, and was buried in the cathedral.

Thomas Ludham or Ledenham sncceeded in 1446, and died in 1454. He was buried in the cathedral.

Joii\ Cm LYSON, collated 2 1st Feb. 1434-5, vico Lud- ham deceased.

Thomas Babbow, LL. lb, installed 4th March 14^1 2, vice Gollyson decease d.

Richabd CowlanDj in-tailed by proxy 13th July 1499, and died in 1506, being precentor.

William Smith succeeded, and quitted it in 1507 for lJiiTirb'Swade.

Joiiv Cutleb, treasurer, collated 20th Feb. 1507 8. He died the next year.

19 In 1730 this prebend was the profit-, and accounted as its

united with the archdeaconry of prebendaries. See Archdeacons

Stow, whose dignitaries were of Stow, from that period recipient* of

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