Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/187

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Thomas Spabk, LL.B., collated J 4th July 1508, vice Cutler deceased.

Robebt Shobton, S.T.P., collated 14th April 1,523, vice Sparks resigned. He died in 153,5, being canon of Windsor, master of St. John's college Cambridge, and dean of Stoke-Clare college co. Suffolk.

IIknkv Williams, P.D., collated 29th Oct. 1535.

R.OGER BbOMEHALL, B.D., installed 24th Aug. 1554.

Johx Bullingham, archdeacon of Huntingdon, installed

10th Sept. 1568. RlCHABD TbU8EWELL, A.M., collated 4th and installed

6th April 15S2, vice Bullingham made bishop ofClou-

oester and Bristol. Alexandeb Chapman, A.M., collated 16th July and

installed 4th Sept. 1610. He died in 1629, and was

buried at Canterbury, where he was prebendary. He was also archdeacon <>f Stow.

William Warr, succeeded in 1629, and quitted it in

1631 for Leighton-lJuzzard. Thomas Wilson, S.T.P., collated 30th Dec. 1631. Thomas Potteb, installed 20th Oct. 1660, vice Wilson

deceased. Robebt Pbice, A.M., collated 26th Nov., and installed

10th Dec. 1667, vice Potter deceased. Laurence Echakd, A.M., collated 22nd April, and

installed on the 24th of the same month 1697, vice

Robert Price deceased. He was also archdeacon of

Stow. Bebnabd "Wilsox, A.M., collated 18th Nov. 1730. Samuel Pegge, A.M., collated 1 ith and installed 23rd

May 1772, vice Bernard Wilson deceased. Roger Kedixgtox, A.M., collated nth, and installed

18th June 1796, vice Samuel Pegge deceased. Thomas Orme, D.D., collated 1st Sept. 1801, and in- stalled 30th Jan. 1802, vice Roger Kedington resigned.

Ob. 20th Oct. 1814, setat. 70. Charles Goddard, A.M., collated 14th, and installed

17th Dec. 1814, vice Thomas Orme deceased.

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