Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/252

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��He died 8th April 1323, and was buried in Llandaff cathedral. A license to elect a bishop in the room of John de Monmouth issued 31st May 1323"; in pursuance of which, Alexandeb de Monmouth, archdeacon of Llandaff, was elected, and received the royal assent 15th June 1323 " ; but his election would 80601 to have been set

aside b) the Pope, as

1323 John' DE EGL1 51 LIFF, bishop <>f Cmtimr. had been pro-

17Edw.IL vided to Llandaff by bull dated \ii Kal. Julii (20th June) 1323 ' ; but he did not obtain restitution of the temporalities before 13th Aug. 13:4'". lie died 2nd Jan. 1 ]-0-7 ; and, beings Dominican, was buried at Cardiff 61 , in the Blackfriars' church there. John m: Coventry, archdeacon of Llandaff, waseleoted to succeed John de Eglesoliff, but the Pope annulled the election and appointed 134; John Pascal 6 to this see 3rd June 1347. He re-

aiEdw.Hl. oeived the temporalities 4th July following 63 , and died 1 1 tli Oct. 1361 64 . 1361 Rogeb Ceadock, bishop of Waterford and Lismor . was 35 Edw. III. provided to this see by the Pope's bull dated \\ii

Kal. Jan.) 15th Dec. 1361 '-. and he made bis profes- sion of obedience at Ma} field 31st March (ii Kal. April.) 1362 66 . Tie died about Aug. 13H2. A license

��episcopus, episcopo London. &c. Quia secundo die 1 Dominica men- sis Februarii, videlicet, die S. Scho- lastics Virginia, dilectum filinm magistrum Johannem de Mone- muta Landaven. electron, in eeclesia nostra Cantuar. conse- crare proj>onimus ideo episco- pos moneri canonice faciatis. Dat. apud Lambeth ii Id. Januar. (12th Jan.) 1296-7. Reg. 'Win- chels.

W Pat. 16 Edw. II. p. 2. m. 8. The spiritualities of the see were taken into the archbishop's hands

��(xviiCal. Maiij 13th April 1323. Reg. Reynolds.

'- Pat. 17 Edw. II. p. 1. m. 21.

Reg. Reynolds.

f " Pat. 18 Edw. II. p. i.m. 31.

61 Others say in the Black- friars' church at Llandaff.

'-' Episcopus Scutariensis, a suffragan to bishop Bateman of Norwich.

<Pat. 21 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 18.

64 Reg. Islip, fol. 239.

Ibid, et Pat. 37 Edw. III. p. 2. m. 32.

66 Reg. blip.

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