Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 1.djvu/253

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iseued 1 6th Aug. 1 85a 4 * 7 to elect a bishop to this see in the room of lloger Oadock ; notwithstanding which the Pope provided Thomas Rushooke 68 , the King's confessor, by bull dated xvii Kal. Feb. (16th Jan.) 13823. The tempo- ralities were restored to him 2nd April in that year' 1 '. He made his profession of obedience at Otford on the 10th of that month, and was consecrated in the church of the Friars Preachers, London, 3rd May fol- lowing 70 . He was translated to Chichester in 1385 ? J . 386 William de Bottlesham, S.T.P., titular bishop of lie. II. Bethlehem, was provided to the see of Llandaff by papal authority in 1386, and the temporalities were restored to him 21st Aug. in that year"-'. He was translated to Rochester in 1389^'. 589 Edmund Bromfeld, S.T.P., abbot of Sauterre? 4 , was I [ - provided to this see by papal authority, and obtained the temporalities 17th Dec. 1389 5 '. He died in June 1393 "", and was buried in his own cathedral. The conge dY'lire vice Edmund Uromfcld issued 5th July 1393 ", in pursuance of which 394 Tidkmax Di \Y 1 nchcomb, abbot ofJBt aulAi u, was elected, Sic. II. and obtained the royal assent to his election 18th Aug. 1393 " 8 . The temporalities were restored to him 3rd July 1394"^. In 1395 ho was translated to Wor- cester 80 , and

��67 Pat. 6 Ric. II. p. 3. m. 14. p. 47,) calls him abbot of St. Ed-

6i > Or Rollooke, prior of the mundsbury.

Blackfriars of Hereford. '> Pat. 13 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 22.

69 Pat. 6 Ric. II. p. 3. m. 14. " 6 His will is dated 10th June

70 Reg. Courten. fol.317. !392. Lib. Rous, in Offic. Pre-

71 By bull dated xvii Kal. Nov. rog. fol. 19.

Reg. Courten. fol. 320. et Pat. " Pat. 17 Ric. II. p. 1. m.30.

9 Ric. II. p. 1. m. 10. 7S Ibid. m. 20.

72 Pat. 10 Ric. II. p. 1. m. 31. 79 Pat. 18 Ric. II. p. 1. m. 38. et p. 2. m. 20. He had a grant of the custody

73 Pat. 13 Ric. II. p. 2. m. 22. of the temporalities 24th Oct.

74 De Silva terra, in the dio- 1393. Pat. 17 Ric. II. p. 1. m. cese of Bordeaux. Godwin, on 17.

the authority of Bale, (cent. 10. 6 Pat. 19 Ric. II. p. 1. m. 20.

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