Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/25

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��to pope Martin V; but before their notification reached his Holiness, he had, by bull dated 17th Nov. '. trans- lated to the see of London

1422 John Kempe, bishop of Chichester, who received the Dll.n.v. spirituals from the archbishop 20th May 1422 , and his temporalities from the crown on the 20th of the following month 53 . The Great Seal of England was delivered to him as Lord Chancellor 1 6th March 1425-6 '. and 8th April 1426 he was elected arch- bishop of York 55 , and on the 22nd of that month had the temporalities of the arohiepiscopal see deli- vered to him 56 . On the translation of cardinal bishop Kempe to York,

1426 William Grey, LL.D., dean of York, was elected Hen. VI. bishop of London by the King's command 5 ?, and the imporalities were restored to him 6th May 1426 % on which day he was also consecrated by the arch- bishop of Canterbury " papa inconsulto/ 1 and pope Martin V. thought it expedient to issue his bull of provision, dated 2cth July 1426 . This prelate was translated to Lincoln in 1431 <i0 . His successor in the see of London was

��51 Reg. Chichel. fol. 32.

82 Reg. Chichel.

' ' Pat. 10 Hen. V. m. 9.

MQaus. 4 Hen. VI. m. 8. in dorso.

55 Bishop Kempe was nomi- nated 14th Jan. 1425-6 to the metropolitan see of York, and Philip bishop of Worcester to the see of Ely, " in casu quod per summum pontificem pri- us de aha persona provisum non existat ad eandem," (MS. Cott. Cleop. F. iv. fol. 24.) and the certificate of the chapter of London to the archbishop of Canterbury, notifying the trans- lation of Kempe to York, is

��dated 24th April 1426. Reg. Chic-heley, II.

56 Pat. 4 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 22. See also Reg. Chichel. II. f. 364.

" xiiii die Januarii anno quarto [Henrici Sexti] praesen- tibus in Camera Stellata dominis Bedford et aliis ordinatum fuit. . . Ita de persona magistri Wil- lielmi Grey decani Eborum pro- videatur ad ecclesiam London. (MS. Cott. Cleop. F. iv. fol. 24.) He was, " spreta papali reserva- tion, " elected 8th April 1426.

58 Pat. 4 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 16.

> Reg. Chichel.

fi0 Pat. 9 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 8.

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