Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/26

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1431 Robert Fitz-Hugh 61 , L L.D., archdeaeon ofNorthcmp- 9 Hen. VI. tmi, who had the temporalities restored to him 4th Aug. [431 62 . Il<' was consecrated (6th Sept. follow- ing 63 . In Dec. l-iv") he was chosen as the successor of bishop Morgan in the see of Ely, but before he could 1' translated thither he died :it St.Osyth's 15th Jan. 64 1435 6, ami was buried in St. Paul's cathe- dral 1 II is will, dated 15th June i-p.^, was proved 1 _)th F< b. [435 v [436 lioiii 1:1 (iii Bi 1:1, I>.l>.. dean of York, was chosen by 14 iiin.N 1. tin' chapter to succeed bishop Pits-Hugh; and 9th

March [435 ' "in considerati magnae virtutis et

nt i:i- quae in persona prefati Etoberti existil : aee- ti.itn servioii quod ipse carissimo patri nostra defunoto nobis impi adit," he had license to go to Rome to obtain confirmation of his election 67 . The Pope's bull of provision is dated xii Cal. Junii zisl Ma) 14 , and the temporalities were restored to him 1 ~ 1 1 1 Sept.

following' '. II" was - secrated al Lambeth 70 28th

Oct. 71 , and died 22nd June 144 s - The conge" d'elire vice bishop Gilbert bears date 22nd Aug. [448 73 ; but

�� ll> third son of the ed in Dugdale, is 15th Jan.

Lord Henry Fits-Hugh. Ex Epitaph, et Reg. Chichel.

Pat. 9 Hen. V I. p.a. m. B R j. Chichel. 458.

In civitate Fulgensi in Eta- Pat. 14 Hen. VI. p. 1. m.8.

R _-. ipsius.) He was elect- ' " R : Chichel. I. foL 53.

ed during his absence from Eng- Pat. r 5 Hen. VI. m. 50.

Land in .1 1 to Rome from "" Reg. Chichel. foL 53.

the King. "' His own register how.

,;i Reginaldns Kentwode do- states that the ceremony was canus et capitulum eccleaiae S. performed by cardinal Beaufort, Pauli London. Henrico Cantuar. bishop of Winchester, in the archiepiscopo, &c. intimamus conventual church of the Car- quod dicta ecclesia London, per mehtes in London. Reg. Gil- mortem Roberti ultim. episcopi bert, fol. 1. die 1.-, Januar. Lncepit va< n The certificate of the chap- Sec. Godwin, nn the authority tcr of London announcing his of the epitaph in Weever, p. 360, death is dated 87th July 144 s . places his death on 22nd Sept. " :( Pat. 2<< Hen. VI. ]>..2. m.16. 1 4.1.J ; hut the epitaph, as print-

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