Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Vol.2 body of work part 2.djvu/333

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17th April following 61 . He died 1 6th July 1426 62 . His will, dated 22nd March 1424-5, was proved 16th Feb. 1426-7[1]

Hen. VI.
Robebt Nevill[2], provost of Beverley, had the see

conferred upon him by papal bull dated 9th July 

1427[3] he was consecrated at Lambeth 26th Oct. following 66 , having had the temporalities restored to him on the 10th of the same month[4]; and in 1437 he was translated to Durham[5].

William Ascough[6] obtained this see by papal bull dated 11th Feb. 1437 [1438][7], the temporalities were restored to him 13th July 1438[8], and he was conse- crated on the 20th of the same month in the chapel of the castle of Windsor[9]. He was murdered 29th June 1450 at Edyngdon in Wiltshire, and was buried there. His will is dated 1449. The license to elect, vice bishop Ascough, is dated 10th July 1450[10]; ne- vertheless

Hen VI.
Richard Beauchamp, bishop of Hereford, was trans- lated to this see 14th Aug. 1450[11], by bull of that date, and had the temporalities restored to him 1st Oct.[12]. He died 4th Nov. 1481, and was buried in his own cathedral[13]. His will, dated 16th Oct. 1481, was

proved 8th Feb. 148 1-2[14].

    to the duke of Bedford, states that the said John Chaundeler, having been confirmed bishop of Salisbury, is to have the temporalities of the see from 8th Jan. in the fifth year of the King's reign.

  1. Ibid. fol. 396.
  2. Simon, dean of Salisbury, was elected by the chapter as their bishop, but they gave way to the Pope's provision. Reg. Chichel. f. 47.
  3. Reg. Chichel. fol. 47.
  4. Pat. 6 Hen. VI. p. 1. m. 33.
  5. Pat. 16 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 37.
  6. Or Aiscoth, Ascoghe, Ayscugh, or Hastku.
  7. Reg. ipsius.
  8. Pat. 16 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 18.
  9. Reg. ipsius.
  10. Pat. 28 Hen. VI. p. 2. m. 19.
  11. Reg. Stafford, fol. 35.
  12. Pat. 29 Hen. VI. p. i.m.19.
  13. He is said to be buried at Windsor, of which place he was dean. Quod episcopi Sarum et successores sint cancellarii ordinis Garterii. Pat. 15 Edw. IV. p. 3. m. 18.
  14. Lib. Logg. in Cur. Praerog. Cantuar.

4 H 2