Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/102

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96 VOUK Wlstan*^'. Tho date of his consecration does not occur, but ho was arclibishop in 939 ^"'. He was imprisoned at Jedburgli by kiM^s; Eadred in 95.2 '*, but he was released in 9,54, and the see of Dor- chester bestowed upon him^'. Ho died 26th Dec. 956 -^^ and was buried at Oundle in Northampton- shire. 956 OscYTEL, bishop of Dorcliester^ succeeded in 956 "'. He died in 972-^". 972 Athklwoldts'^. 972 Oswald, bishop of Worcester, vms made archbishop of York in 972-^-'. He died 29th Feb. 992-3^^. 993 Aldulfus or Eadulf, abbot of Peterborough, succeeded in 993 ", and died 6th May (prid. Non. Maii) IC02 '-. He also held the see of Worcester. 1002 Wlstan H, the abbots succeeded to the archbishopric of York in 1002. He died on Tuesday 28th May 1023 '-^ ^^ ^^^^^ cV the see of Worcester till 1016. 1023 Aelfuic ^{]ttc*^^ provost of Winchester , succeeded in 1023. He also held the see of Worcester in 1040, ^' Flor. Wigom. •^2 ISim. Dunelm. ad ann. 939. Some copies of Simeon and lloveden place the transactions in this year under 940. ^ Sax. Chron. Flor. Wigorn. I loved, ad ann. •*^ Sax. Chron. Flor. Wigorn. ad ann. Hoveden says 953. •'** IHor. Wigorn. et Iloved. ad ann. Sax. Chron. says i6th ^ec. 957- ^ Flor. Wigorn. et Moved, ad ann. Oskytel, Saxon Chron.

  • '*" Hor. Wigorn. et Iloved. ad

ann. One MS. of the Saxon Chronicle says 31^1 (Vt. 970. ^ So in (iodwin and Lc Neve, but his name is omitted in all the ancient lists, ^^^th the excep- tion of Stubbs. ^ Flor. Wigorn. et Hoved. ad ann. ■^ Flor.AVigorn. et Sax. Chron. ad ann. 2Sth Feb., Hoved. et Sim. Dunelm.

  • ' Flor. ArVigorn. Hoveden.

Sim. Dunelm. ad ann. Fadulf, Sfix. Chron. •*'-^ Flor. Wigorn. Sim. Dunelm. Hoved. et Sax. Chron. •*■ Flor. Wigorn. et Hoved. Sax. Chron. 29th May, Hove- den. 250 b. ■i' Ror. Wigt)rn. et Hoveden.