Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/103

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ARCHBISHOPS. 97 1051 1061 but was deprived of it in the following year. He died in 1 05 1 ^^ and was buried at Peterborough. KiNsiGE or Ktnstus succeeded in 1051. He died at York 22nd Dec. (xi Cal. Jan.) 1060^^, and was buried at Peterborough 47. Ealdred or Alredus, bishop of Worcester, was made archbishop of York 25th Dec. lo^o^s, and allowed by the King to hold the two sees together as some of his predecessors had done, but upon going to Rome for his pall, pope Nicholas not only refused it, but de- prived him of Worcester also. Returning home he was robbed in crossing the Alps, and consequently returned to Rome for succour ; and after much im- portunity he obtained the Pope's confirmation of the archiepiscopal see, on condition of his resigning Wor- cester49j which he did in 1061. He died nth Sept. 1069^0. 1070 Thomas, a canon of Bayeiix, was appointed archbishop 4 Will. I. of York on Whit-Sunday 23rd May 1070^^ He was consecrated on Sunday 29th Aug. in that year ^^, and received his pall the next year^^. He died on Sunday 18th Nov. (xiv Cal. Dec.) 1100 at Ripon^*, and was buried at York^^ ^ Flor. Wigorn. Hoveden. et Sim. Dunelra. ad ann. Sax. Chron. ann. 1047. ^o.^o- et 1051. ^ Flor. Wigorn. Hoveden. et Sim. Dunelm. 47 Chron. Petrob. '*'* Flor. Wigorn. Hoveden. et Sim. Dunelm. 49 Malmes. J^ntif. ^Sim. Dunelm. Flor. Wigorn. et Chron. Mailr.

  • ' Sim. Dunelm. Hoveden. f.

269 b.

  • 2 Hoveden.

" Ibid. p. 260. On his taking poisesBion of the Bee he found it in such great diHorder, that he VOL. III. o was compelled entirely to remo- del it. He divided the estate of the church into prebends, and appointed a dean, precentor, chancellor, treasurer, and several archdeacons. ^4 Hoveden. f. 268 b, et Sim. Dunelm. •^ The epitaph commencing

    • Orba jacet viduata bone pas-

tore patrono" belongs to this archbishop, though it has been erroneously ascribed to archbi- shoj) 'I'liomas , who was his ne|)hew. The first dispute be- tween the archbishops of Can- terbury and York relative to