Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/108

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102 YORK but his election was sot aside by the Pope 20th Aug. 1215^', and 1216 Walter Gray, bishop of Worcester^ was translated to 17 Joii. York (vi Cal. April.) 27th March 1216'^'. He died 1st May 1255-'-^. The royal license for the election of an archbishop in the room of Walter Gray issued 28th May I 255^ ; in pursuance of which 1236 Sewall de JJowill or Hovill, dean of Yorl was 40 Hen. III. elected-*'; he obtained the royal assent to his election 4th May 1256^*'% and was consecrated (x Cal. Aug.) 23rd July following"*. He died (vi Id. Maii) loth May 125S, and was buried in York cathedral^". On 29th May 1 258 a conge d'elire, vice archbishop Se- wall, issued-*^, and 1258 Godfrey de Ludham^'^ or Kinton, dean of Yorh 43 Hen. III. was elected, and obtained the royal assent to his elec- tion 25th July 1258^ He was consecrated on Sunday 22nd Sept. (ix Cal. Octob.) following-, and received the temporalities 1st Dec' He died (ii Id. Januar.) ^ Glaus. 17 Job. 111. 22 in dorso, et Rog.Wendov. p. 339. yi Act. Pont. Ebor.T. ^tubbs. col. 1724 et Ro<r. Weiulov. '•'2 Matt. Paris, ad ann. et Act. Pont. Ebor. T. Stiibbs. col. 172.-,. It was tbis prelate who purcbased York j)lace in London, now called Whiteball, and annexed it to bis see. lie also founded the sub- deanery, succentorshij), and two prebends in bis catbedral, and was otbcrwise a great benefactor to the see. '••^' Pat. 39 lien. III. m. 7. •'•* lie was elected before the ist of Oct. 1255. Vide Reg. Walt. Giftard Arcb. Kbor. f. 10^. Tbe chapter wanting money to send to the Pope to confirm their election, liorrowed 200 marks from Peter the succentor, for the payment of which he had assigned to him as a security the church of South Hurton and the manor and church of Brotherton. Reg. Ebor. '•»^ Pat. 40 lien. III. m. 13. ••X5 Act. Pont. Ebor. T. Stubbs. Matt. Paris. Matt. Westm. ad ann. et Anna!. Winton. J*7 Act. Pont. Ebor.T. Stubbs. ^ Pat. 42 Ilen. III. m.9. '*'•♦ Malt. Paris calls him Kime- ton, and Stubbs, whom I>e Neve follows, calls him (lodfrey de Ludham. ' Pat. 42 Ilen. III. m. 4. '^ His consecration is said by Torrto have taken place at Rome 28lh April 1258. •< V^r.A?, Hen. III. m. 14.