Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/109

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ARCHBISHOPS. 103 I2th Jan. 1264-5, and was buried in York cathedral^. The license to elect an archbishop vice Godfrey issued 30th Jan. 1264-5^; in pursuance of which William de Langton alias de Rotherefield or RuDERFELD, dean of YorJc^ was elected 12th March (iv Id. Marc.) 1265, and obtained the royal assent to his election ist April^, but the Pope quashed the elec- tion, and nominated Bonaventure^ a friar minor, who declining to accept it 7, his Holiness promoted 1266 Walter Giffard, hisliop of Bath and Wells, by papal S I Hen. III. provision (Id. Octob.) 15th Oct. 1266. He was en- throned ist Nov. ^, and obtained restitution of the temporalities 26th Dec. following^. The time of his death is uncertain ^^. He was buried in the eastern part of the cathedral under a plain stone ^i. License to elect an archbishop vice Walter Giffard issued 7th May 1279^^. 1279 William Wickwane, chancellor of York^ was elected 7 Edw. I. 22nd June 1279^3^ had the royal assent 4th Julyi'^, was consecrated at Rome (xiii Cal. Oct.) 19th Sept.^^ and obtained restitution of the temporalities 28th Oct.'^ He resigned his bishopric shortly before his death, and retired into France, where he died 27th Aug. 1285^7 at Pontiniac. The license to elect an 4 Act. Pont. Ebor. T. Stubbs. Vitel. A. 2 he died 25th April ^ Pat. 49 Hen. III. m. 24. 1279. Peter de Ickham says ^ Ibid. m. 18. 22nd April 1279 : nth March ' Qui timens pelli suae, &c. 1279, Wikes : 29th April 1277, Papae sano ductus consilio re- Stubbs. Inq. p. m. 6 Edw. I. signavit. Wikes, p. 74. N". 103: 27lh A])ril 1278. ^ He wrote to the prior and i' According to Leland it bore convent of Bath, "V^obis denun- this inscription : Walter Gisfart, ciamus die beatae Thomse apo- obiit vii Kal. Maii. stoh, nos cessisse et curiam Ebor. '^ Pat. 7 Edw. I. m. 16. ecclesiae recepisse, ut de electione ^ Lett, inTurr. Lond. S. 197. futuri [jontificis cogitetis." Cart. Browne Willis says 17th June. Bathon. in Bibl. liospit. Line. •'* Pat. 7 Edw. 1, m. 14. f. 96. i'*^ Act. Pont. Ebor. T. Stubbs. ^ Pat. 51 Hen. III. m. 32. '^ Pat. 7 Edw. I. m. 5. '" According to MS. Cott. Act. Pont. Ebor. T. Stubbs.