Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/119

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ARCHBISHOPS. 113 (xvii Cal. Oct.) 15th Sept. 1 5141^. He had obtained a grant ^" of the temporalities of the see 5th Aug. preceding. The Pope's bulls of his translation were published in York cathedral 3rd Dec. In the next year he was made a cardinaU^, and chancellor of England'^; in 15 18 the bishopric of Bath and Wells was given to him in commendam : he held it for four years and then resigned it for Durham. In 1529 he exchanged Durham for Winchester. He died at Leicester 29th Nov. 1530, and was buried in the Lady chapel of that monastery. 153 1 Edward Lee, S.T.P./-^^ the King^s almoner^ archdeacon 23 II.VIII. of Colchester^ prebendary of Yorh^ and chancellor of Salisbury^ was promoted to York by bull of provision dated (iii Cal. Nov.) 30th Oct. 1531. The King re- stored the temporalities to him 3rd Dec. following '^^ on the loth of which month he was consecrated ; two days afterwards he was enthroned by proxy, and in person ist April 15342^. He died 13th Sept. 1544, setat. 62, and was buried in York cathedral-'. A license to elect an archbishop was issued 5th Jan. 1544-5'-^ ; in pursuance of which 1545 lloBEiiT HoLGATE, bishop of Llaudaff^ was elected loth 36 11. VIII. Jan. 1544-5 ; he obtained the archbishop's confirmation on the 1 6th, the royal assent to his election on the 22nd ^^, and the temporalities on the 30th of that month ^^ He was deprived 23rd March 1553-4^7^ and confined in the Tower of London, where he died-^. • Orig. in Uom. Cap.VVestra. 23 Ex Epitaphio. According Browne Willis says ist Oct. to Cranmer's register, f. 306, he

  • 7 Pat. 6 Hen. VI II. p. 2. m. 25. died 30th Nov. 1544.

'^C'iacon. torn. iii. col. 342. ^-^ Pat. 36 Hen.VIII. ]>, 2. m.rj. '!' Rot. Claus. 7 Hen.VIII. '^'> Ibid. '^^ In partibuH transinarinis. -" I]>id. 2' Pat. 23 Hen. 'II I. p. 2. in. 23. - Pat. i Mar. p. 7. m. 34. ^■^ Reg. Kbor. -^ HIm will, made 27th April VOL. III. Q