Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/118

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112 VOIIK. 1480 Thomas Scot alias Rothkriiam^^, bishop of Lincoln aoEdw. IV. and chancellor of Ennl<tnd^ was translated to the metropolitan sec of York by papal provision 3rd Sept. 1480 ; he was also elected by the chapter on the 1 2th of the same month, after ho had obtained j)lenary re- stitution of the temporalities three days before ^^ ; he had however enjoyed the custody of them ever since the 24th of the preceding May '-. He died 29th ^lay 1500 at Cawood, aetat. 76, and was buried in York cathedral. His will, commenced 6th Aug. 1498, and completed on the 24th of the same month, was proved 10th June 1500. 1 501 Thomas Savage, bishop of London, was elected to York 16II.VII. i2th April 150T, and received the temporalities on the 29th of the same month '-^ He died at Cawood 3rd Sept. 1507, and his body was buried in York cathedral, but his heart at Macclesfield, where he was born. 1508 Christopher BainbritwG'^, bishop of Durham, hawing 24llen.vil. been translated to this see by papal bull dated 20th Sept. 1508, the temporalities thereof were restored to him 12th Dec. following. In 151 1 he was made a Roman cardinal, and having been poisoned by his own steward, Renaldo de Modena, an Italian priest, at Rome, ho died 14th July 15 14, and was buried in the English college there ^^ 1514 Thomas Wolsey, bisJiop of Lincoln, was translated to 6H.VIII. the archiepiscopal see of York by papal bull dated '^ He was called Ilotherham a. Julio II. Pont. Max. oh e^re- from the place of his birth. jjiain operain S.R.E. pra'stitam 1' Pat. 20 E(lv. IV. p. I. m. 3. duin sui regis legatus esset '- Il)id. in. S. assuinpto, qiiain mox et domi >•' Pat. 16 Hen. VII. p. I. ni. 26. et foris castris pontificiis prac- >•* Godwin calls him Hamhridj^e. feet, tutatus est. Ohiit Prid. Id. He was master of the rolls in Jid.A. Sal. MDXIIII." Sir Ben- 1504. jainin Oiitram iith Dec. iSr^r '• His monumental inscription ])resented to the Society of Anti- nms thus : *' I).0. M. Christo- (juaries the tracings and rubbing phoro Archiep. Kboracen. S. from this tomb made by the late Praxed. Presb. CardinaU Angli<T Dr. Hromet.