Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/142

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13C YORK. archbishop Thurstan's about i 130^-^. He also occurs in 1 146. William dk Chawill had this dignity given him by the King in 1 189-'. Bartholomew was archdeacon of Richmond at an early period, but the date of his appointment has not been ascertained -^^ Eustace had this dignity conferred on him by the King in ii96^'>. HoxoRius had this dignity conferred on him by the archbishop in the month of March 1 198^". But the dean protested against his installation, and in the meanwhile Roger ue S. Edmundo obtained a grant from the King, and by this title was a witness to a charter of king Richard's, dated 19th Dec. 1198-^. Roger was confirmed in this office by the King 2nd March 1200-. He held the office in Dec. 1206'^^. Richard de Marisco was styled archdeacon of Rich- mond and Northumberland in 1213=^^ In 1217 he was made bishop of Durham^-. William subscribed by this title to a deed dated x Cal. Mar. (21st Feb.) 1 21 7-1 8 '^-J. Walter de Woburn was possessed of it in 1237^^. Robert Haget ; he was made treasurer of this church in i24r^-'. John le Romayn was a witness to the grant of the manor of Bishopsthorp, from archbishop Walter Gray 23 Mon. Angl. torn. i. p. 510. ^ Pat. 7 Job. -•* Broinpt. coll. 1161. •*! Pat. 15 Job. p. 1. m. 8. ^^ See MS. Colt. Claud. B. iii. •^- Angl. Sacr. pars i. p. 732. f. 31, ^ Reg. Album II. p. 98. 2fi Hoveden, f. 436. '*•* Rot. inin. n. 64. pent. 22. '^^ Hoveden, f. 442. W. (Iray. -8 Mon. Angl. torn. i. p. 825. •*•'• Ibid. pont. 26. W. (iray. 25 Cart. 2 Job. ni. 10. dorso. dorso.