Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/143

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ARCHDEACOxNS OF RICHMOND. 137 to the dean and chapter of York, in 1241^^. In 1249 he was made treasurer of this church ^7. William was archdeacon of Richmond in 1256 and 1259^^. Ralph held the office about 12613^; also in 126440. Simon de Evesham held the office 20th June 1262; by this title was witness to a deed in 1267^1. He died in 1272^2, Thomas Passelew subscribed by this title to a deed in 1272^3. Geoffrey de S. Medaiido*^ was archdeacon of Rich- mond 1 8th Jan. 127 8 4^. He died in 1 281^6. Henry de Newark was archdeacon of Richmond in 1281^7, He resigned it iv Id. Maii (12th) 1290. Gerard de Vyspeyns ^s was admitted to this dignity xi Cal. Junii (22nd May) 1290^^. Francis Gaytani^^, a Roman cardinal^ had this dig- nity conferred on him by the Pope in 1307^1. In the vacancy of the see, king Edward II. had presented to this dignity John de Sandale, 25th April 1309^- ; but the cardinal was in possession. He died at Avignon between Easter and Midsummer in 13 17 3. Roger de Northijurg was presented by the King to this dignity 29th May 1317^4^ and admitted by his 36 Mon. Angl, torn. iii. p. 157. 57 Reg. Alb. f. 33. 38 Mon.Angl. torn. iii. pp.68,86. 39 Mon. Angl. torn. ii. p. 59. 40 Lett. inTurr. Lond. No. 75. 41 Coll. Dodsworth, torn, cxxii. p. 126. 42 Reg. penes Dec. et Capit. 4^i Reg. Romayn, f. 68. Pat. I Edw. I. 44 Called also Galfrido de Sancto Marco. Pat. 6 Edw. I. m. 24. ^* Pat. 6 Edw. I. ^ Reg. Wickwane, f. 4. VOL. m. 47 Reg. Wickwane, pars i. f. 10. 48 He is called Vypayns (Pat. 25 Edw. I. m. 20.) and Wep- pens. 4'-* Reg. penes Dec. et Capit. ^0 Franciscus de Luco quon- dam archid. Richmond. ^' Reg. Grenefeld. •■^2 Pat. 2 Edw. II. p. I. m. 8. '^3 Reg. Melton. See also Pat. 2 Edw. II. 23rd Oct. and 6th June; Pat. 9 Edw. II. 14th Oct.; Pat. 10 Edw. II. 26th Aug. •'4 Pat. 10 Edw. H. p. 2. in. 1 1.